Join my journey to greater
self-knowledge, fulfilling
relationships, a balanced life
and deeper soul connection.
This website traces my spiritual journey. I have named the stations along this path: Self-knowledge, Relationships, Balance, and Soul-knowledge or Oneness.
No one takes this journey alone. Mine was only possible because of the loving support of my family, Soul and spirit guides (including Archangel Michael and Hermes Trismegistus), and many supportive friends. Deserving special mention is Diana Muenz Chen, my co-author of Know Your Soul: Bring Joy to Your Life and her Higher Self who has lovingly mentored me for over 25 years. Some of the things I learned are covered in a talk I gave to an audience of Chinese friends entitled, “What I learned from the Universe.” Other articles, podcasts and videos describing my journey can be found throughout the website. Besides undertaking this journey, I have had a multidecade business career. This perspective enabled me to better understand the practical as well as spiritual side of the journey.
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Know Your Soul:
Bring Joy to Your Life

“Everyone thinks of changing humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself.”
— Leo Tolstoy