About Conscious Thinking™
David Schwerin
My journey, for most of my adult life, proceeded on two seemingly divergent paths: earning a living and spiritual growth. I was later to understand how they began to converge and finally to coalesce into the path that I now know is the task my Soul set me on. As for most of us, providing for our material needs often takes precedence and initially, did for me. My professional life centered on investment analysis and portfolio management. I began using those skills working for a large financial institution. In my “free time” in the early 1980s I began studying with two mystery schools and it was there that my search for more spiritual understanding began. After eight years working for a large organization, I left to establish my own investment counseling firm. In retrospect, I realized that it must have been some spiritual guidance that led me to take this financially risky path. It was here, over the next twenty years, that I became interested in socially responsible business practices and was led to practice it with my clients and employees. During this time, I continued my spiritual journey which led me to study with my second mystery school called Pathwork where I became first a student and eventually a teacher.
As my interest in investments began to fade, I was guided to take another risk and sell my investment firm and write a book about my experiences and philosophical ideas. As a result, “Conscious Capitalism: Principles for Prosperity” was published in 1998. Another set of “fortuitous” circumstances led to the translation of Conscious Capitalism into Chinese and Portuguese. I was invited to lecture in China in 2001 and introduce socially responsible business (SRB) practices to China. My ideas resonated with the Chinese people, and I found myself pictured on the side of a Beijing bus. I returned to lecture in China nine different times and spoke in scores of cities across the country. After several trips to China, I could sense a deep spiritual longing by many Chinese people that was not being met. Introducing Pathwork to China became my next challenging but passionate goal and one that my spirit guides encouraged. My second book, “Conscious Globalism: What’s Wrong with the World and How to Fix It” was published in 2005 followed by, most recently, Know Your Soul: Bring Joy to Your Life which I co-wrote with Diana Muenz Chen. It was through my relationship with Diana and with her Higher Self that I came to know Archangel Michael, who encouraged us to co-write this book. You can find a message from Archangel Michael in the front of the Soul book.
In 2012 I was invited to give a talk in Bangalore India entitled, “The Spiritual Challenge in Management.” While in India, The Times of India asked me to write a series of blogs and articles for their newspaper. I wrote monthly articles for 8 years covering spirituality, business and current affairs. They can be found at, www.speakingtree.in/david-schwerin
I have had a rich and rewarding journey with many unusual experiences and a close connection with my spiritual guides from whom I have had over 25 years of continuous mentoring. None of my experiences would have been possible without the incredible support of my wife, Joan, who does a masterful job of editing my writings and organizing my life, and Zhihe Wang and Meijun Fan who have become dear friends as they enthusiastically escorted me throughout China. In addition, my main guide, ascended master Hermes Trismegistus, has helped me greatly with my writing and channeling. I have documented some of my experiences and learnings throughout this website.
This article came from an interview with David while touring India. While there he gave an address at conference in Bangalore focusing on “The Spiritual Challenge in Management.”
For over twenty years, Zhihe Wang, Meijun Fan, and David and Joan Schwerin have become close friends and have worked seamlessly together to help many people in China.
This picture on the side of a Beijing bus has an advertisement for David’s first book, Conscious Capitalism: Principles for Prosperity, which went on to be a bestseller in China.