“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
— Carl Jung
Relationships can take many forms: between individuals, countries and with our Soul and spirit guides.
An example of a relationship my wife and I established several years ago was with a Professor from Inner Mongolia, China. He, and a number of other Chinese men and women, came to our home in Pennsylvania to learn about a psycho-spiritual path I have followed for several decades. At the end of the visit, Professor Shuangquan Wang left a note of appreciation; it demonstrates how two people can create a meaningful connection in a short period of time.
Another example demonstrates how two countries, the U.S. and China, can come together to overcome a common problem (climate change) when they want even though they start with widely different views.
Establishing a relationship with our Soul and others in the spiritual realm is not as straight forward. It takes a sincere desire, strong intent and persistence; the result is a more fulfilling life.

Relationships Blossom as Roots are Exposed
Relationships Blossom as Roots are Exposed
Without a true friend, a man cannot discern the errors of his own actions.
Chinese Proverb

U.S and China Environmental Policies: Same Planet; Different Worldview
U.S and China Environmental Policies: Same Planet; Different Worldview