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Know Your Soul:
Bring Joy to Your Life
Know Your Soul: Bring Joy to Your Life – In this powerful book you learn about your Soul: its origin, purpose and structure. Based on inspiration from our guides and the loving direction of Archangel Michael; nothing the authors were given is withheld. Diana and David freely describe personal experiences and interactions with Higher Self and Soul, for the enrichment of all.
“WOW! This is a life changing book which by turns, made me pause (as in thinking about my life), exult, weep.” — Naomi Serlen, LCSW
This is a visual representation of the four main parts comprising the soul-human personality complex: the physical body, the personal energy field, the higher self and the Soul. All parts work together and step down the level of energy, so the body is an extension of Soul operating at a lower vibration. Energy flows among and above the four levels. Human beings can be viewed as both a Soul and as part of a Soul.