Misunderstandings about Life
Hermes Trismegistus and David Schwerin
This article was written long ago and displayed in the heavens for all to see. Now it is being brought down to earth for all to know. The intent is to explore ideas that have long existed yet are largely inaccurate. It contains channeled material that has been augmented for clarity and edited for brevity.
Humanity is leaving familiar territory where fearful thoughts and distorted beliefs prevail. As people transition to higher ground, feelings of unity and love will begin to grow. For some, adjusting to this new reality could be confusing. The work will be to let go of old beliefs and embrace the new.
The first misunderstanding is that fearful thoughts and behavior will be eliminated. In fact, they will still dominate human interactions. However, they will slowly fade and be replaced with compassion for all and appreciation of life’s diversity. There will be greater acceptance of the human condition and the creative possibilities it affords. This shift will take time as old habits are deeply ingrained.
Another widely accepted, but false, concept is that all beings evolve in unison. Since it is normal for people to exercise their free will, some will choose to minimize new adventures. Familiarity and security are their highest priority. Others will embrace the new possibilities. There is no need to accelerate the path one is on. Life is unending and all experiences are valuable.
It is a misunderstanding to think planet earth is all there is. It is one of countless worlds. Just as each person is distinct; the many worlds differ in noticeable ways. For one thing, the level of intelligence and physical prowess often varies. This is as it should be as Creator intends to experience all possibilities. Have tolerance for differences and learn from others. Acknowledging that differences enrich all parties encourages the benefits of diverse thinking to thrive and expand.
Life is a mental experience; physicality is a mirage. Think of an ice cube that appears hard and solid. The ice will become liquid and then gas when heat is applied. Likewise, humanity’s physicality is temporary. As vibrations rise, as they have begun to do, physical forms begin to dissolve. The personality eventually returns to spirit, which is a mental state. Physicality offers unique learning opportunities, but life in the physical is purposely distorted. The unity that exists appears divided into untold separate parts. Only in this illusory state can we experience things that would be inconceivable in a state of unity. For example, emotions such as fear, envy, dominance and hate are only possible where things are viewed as discrete parts. In a unified state none of these emotions exist. When you know you’re connected to and a part of everything, why would you hate another, envy another, fear another? Nonetheless, we often hurt “others” not realizing the harm it does to ourselves. To paraphrase a version of the golden rule, what you do to another you do to yourself and what you fail to do to another you fail to do to yourself. When we focus on the mental and spiritual aspects of life, we begin to see through the illusion of separateness. Behaviors become more rational and compassionate, based on the unity of life. A unified state—some call it Oneness—is all that’s eternal. The mirage of the physical leads to errors in priorities and values.
Misconceptions make it difficult to know what to emphasize and what to ignore. The free will we’ve been granted challenges us to use time wisely. There are limitless textures, flavors, fragrances and experiences to explore. Time has no limits since life never ends, but the game of life can become tiresome if progress is stalled and learning is incomplete. Choosing between conflicting alternatives—staying in the physical or returning to spirit—can cause stress and disturb well-being. Meditate often with your Soul to understand its intent and longing. This is a key to a fulfilling experience for personality and Soul.
Everyone has a purpose which might not always be obvious. Sometimes it’s mundane, sometimes grand. It depends on what one chooses to learn each lifetime. How do you begin to understand your purpose? Deep introspection and prayer are good places to start. Your spirit guides will lead you in the right direction. Guides may not be visible, but they are always present. Once life’s purpose is understood, decisions are easier to make. After purpose comes execution. Implementation can be a long process or relatively short. Regardless of the duration, persistence and patience are required. Nothing happens without dedication. This process leads to a greater understanding of yourself and others. Prayer, persistence, surrender and acceptance are secrets to advancing on the path back to oneness.
Another misconception is that what is seen through our eyes is all there is to see. There is much more in and around us than our physical eyes reveal. Through relaxation, one can open their inner eyes where more is accessible. A related misunderstanding is that what we see is the full picture. As one learns to go deeper, new vistas unfold. This process is unending. Mistakes will be made so humility and self-acceptance become increasingly important.
A further misunderstanding is that the world is finite, and humans are the pinnacle of existence. In fact, wiser, more loving beings forever take the lead. Everything is expanding and infinite in scope. Life is unceasing and the ability to explore its depths without end.
You are meant to be healthy and vigorous. Nonetheless, distorted beliefs diminish health and happiness. You become strong and vital by listening to your body’s intuitive guidance. Learn how to decipher the language of the body. Healers and therapists may be able to help. Follow common sense practices of hygiene and exercise; these are indispensable for well-being that endures.
It is a misconception that sentient beings have sovereignty over their life. In fact, your Soul oversees everything from your physical body’s formation to its everyday experiences. The direct connection between body and Soul was made evident from an experience David had on a pickleball court. One day, while playing this popular racquet sport, David went back to retrieve a ball hit behind him. To his dismay, he couldn’t stop his backward momentum no matter how hard he tried. Before he knew it, the concrete wall behind him stopped him in his tracks. Besides feeling dizzy and weak he had a sharp pain in his left wrist. He fell to the floor and was quickly surrounded by players from adjoining courts. The hospital x-rays showed a significant fracture. David’s guides later informed him that this incident was no accident. His Soul wanted him to learn lessons about surrender and trust. It was initially hard to understand how David’s Soul orchestrated this experience. Over time it became clearer. The Soul wants to learn from all experiences; it absorbs and processes everything you think, say and do. (A fuller description of this real-life experience can be found in the book, Know Your Soul: Bring Joy to Your Life.)
Allow what’s going on inside to surface and let your experiences guide you. The journey is from free will to divine will. This may take a long time or be achieved quickly. You will know this task is accomplished when you surrender enough to allow spirit’s will to replace personal will. There will be many opportunities to test your resolve. Go inside and allow whatever is happening to emerge. You will be amazed at how trustworthy your Soul is. Your life will flow effortlessly when you surrender and trust. This takes practice, but your confidence will build with time and effort.
Whatever the question, love is the answer. It takes you from within yourself to connect with another. God is connected to everything, and Its power is amplified in relationships. More is discovered through relationships than from any other experience as you witness the consequences of collaborations and conflicts. As you focus on reactions from the other, you get an instant response to your thoughts and actions. You also know what is conducive to deeper connection and what is not. All relationships bring us closer to knowing the only relationship that matters and the connection really sought. Not all relationships are immediately fruitful; revisit those that are disruptive and courageously continue your life’s journey.
The next thing to understand is a fundamental concept of life. While often difficult to accept, it’s is important to know that all is well. It may seem contrary to what you witness but it is the truth. We must constantly remind ourselves that we see only a part of what’s happening. Making assumptions and judgments based on what we observe is usually flawed. The behaviors observed are often fabrications that emphasize the unimportant and trivialize the meaningful. Refocusing toward what’s important requires a mindset not clouded by past beliefs or misconceptions.
It is a mistake to think life is finite and limited. It is, in fact, unlimited and eternal. Humanity is an essential part of the divine plan. Everyone is needed to comprehend life in all its splendor. The world is currently experiencing economic, social and environmental imbalances. Necessary but painful upheavals unfold for everyone to witness. It is a wakeup call to gain our attention and encourage change. Such times require new understandings and new directions. Explore who you are and your purpose for existing. In that way you won’t let everyday events distract you from what’s important. Pray for guidance if your path is not yet clear.
We are all safe, loved and eternal. Despite evidence to the contrary, there is nothing to fear. Life is meant to be educational and enjoyable. That will happen when the personality relaxes and aligns with its role. Surrender to whatever is happening even if the benefits don’t seem obvious. Time and place can’t be willed. Things happen when everything is in place. Those who oversee life’s progress know when and where events should occur. Surrender and trust things will turn out for the best. This is the way to peace and happiness. It is unlikely to be exactly as the human personality expects or desires. Nonetheless, trusting and allowing is a formula for success.
Trust in yourself and have faith in the universe. When trust is unquestioned, seemingly impossible things get accomplished. Knowing you have the capacity to accomplish whatever is requested increases confidence. You are never asked to do anything that is inappropriate or too challenging. Trust builds as you do a thing over and over. Repetition is good. Have faith in yourself, in the infinite being within you and the universe all around you.
Realize how misunderstandings have a negative effect on your life. Acknowledging this connection is an important first step. Look deeply and objectively: What do you believe that is not true? What do you rely on to guide you that moves you in the opposite direction? Determine which beliefs serve you and which do not. Be open to new ideas while rejecting unproductive beliefs. This is not easy. Many people are conditioned to believe what they have been taught. Rise above your conditioning and keep an open mind. Study the areas discussed and see which resonate. The choice is always yours, but if you wish to accelerate the journey of growth and wisdom, be attentive to what you believe. Be ready to challenge ineffective views and opinions. Once challenged, they will either solidify or fade. Those that remain are worthy of further study.